DVDs in Collection: 2,331
Page # 974

USA, Canada, China 2015
Director: Chris Columbus
Screenplay: Tim Herlihy, Timothy Dowling
Producer: Johnny Alves, Michael Barnathan, Barry Bernardi, Matias Boucard, Chris Columbus, Allen Covert, Benjamin Darras, Jack Giarraputo, Seth Gordon, Kevin Grady, Tim Herlihy, Patrick Jean, Yuka Kato, Steve Koren, Lyn Lucibello, Heather Parry, Mark Radcliffe, Adam Sandler, Ben Waisbren
Cast: Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Michelle Monaghan, Peter Dinklage, Josh Gad
Genre: Action, Comedy, Sci Fi

Running Time: 106
Aspect Ratio:  2.35:1 (NTSC 1080p)
Sound: SDDS
Subtitles: English, Danish, Finnish, German, Hindi, Norwegian, Polish, Swedish, Turkish
Studio:  1492 Pictures DVD Region:  1 PG-13
DVD Release:  Discs:  1 (Cloud) []
Reviews:  Sam Brenner, Will Cooper, Ludlow Lamonsoff, and Eddie "The Fire Blaster" Plant all played classic arcade video games as teenagers. But now they have to use their skills to try to save the world from aliens. The aliens watched video feeds that they thought was a declaration of war. So they send down the classic arcade games to destroy earth. They also get help from a military specialist. They have three lives and if all three get used then earth will be destroyed, and every time they lose a live the aliens take someone's life. Who will win, us or the aliens? It's an all-out battle to save our planet and everyone on it.

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