DVDs in Collection: 2,332
Page # 889

My Name Is Nobody
France, West Germany, Italy 1974
Director: Sergio Leone, Tonino Valerii
Screenplay: Sergio LeoneErnesto Gastaldi
Producer: Claudio Mancini, Fulvio Morsella, Sergio Leone
Cast: Terence Hill, Henry Fonda, Jean Martin, R.G. Armstrong, Karl Braun
Genre: Western, Spaghetti

Running Time: 117
Aspect Ratio:  2.35:1 (NTSC Widescreen)
Sound: Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono
Studio:  Image Entertainment DVD Region:  1 PG
DVD Release:  Apr 2005 Discs:  1 (Blu-ray) [$19.99]
Reviews:  Jack Beauregard, once the greatest gunslinger of the Old West, only wants to move to Europe and retire in peace. But a young gunfighter, known only as "Nobody", idolizes him and wants to see him go out in a blaze of glory. He arranges for Jack to face the 150-man gang known as The Wild Bunch and earn his place in history.

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