DVDs in Collection: 2,332
Page # 804

map07| Ma and Pa Kettle at Home
USA 1954
Director: Charles Lamont
Screenplay: Kay Lenard, Betty MacDonald
Producer: Richard Wilson
Cast: Marjorie Main, Percy Kilbride, Alan Mowbray, Alice Kelley, Brett Halsey
Genre: Comedy

Running Time: 80
Aspect Ratio:  1.37 : 1 (NTSC )
Sound: Mono
Studio:  Universal International Pictures (UI) DVD Region:  1 Approved
DVD Release:  Discs:  () []
Reviews:  Elwin Kettle might win a scholarship to an agricultural college. Essay contest judges Mannering and Crosby decide to choose between the two finalist by spending the weekend at the home of each. Pa makes numerous cosmetic improvements to his rundown home to impress the judges, but all wash away in a torrential rain storm. Will the judges still award the scholarship to Elwin?

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