DVDs in Collection: 2,332
Page # 768

Lord Jim
USA, UK 1965
Director: Richard Brooks
Screenplay: Joseph Conrad, Richard Brooks
Producer: Jules Buck, Peter O'Toole, Richard Brooks
Cast: Peter O'Toole, James Mason, Curd Jürgens, Eli Wallach, Jack Hawkins
Genre: Adventure, Drama

Running Time: 154
Aspect Ratio:  2.20:1 (NTSC Anamorphic Widescreen)
Sound: Dolby Digital Mono [English]
Subtitles: English, Spanish, French, Japanese
Features: Features not specified
Studio:  Sony Pictures DVD Region:  99 NR
DVD Release:  Aug 2004 Discs:  1 (DVD) [$19.94]
Reviews:  James Burke, after distinguishing himself as a midshipman in the British merchant marine, rapidly rises to the rank of executive officer, second in command of a ship. A broken foot necessitates that he be put ashore to heal. After his recovery, the very proud Jim - his pride rooted in his competence, which had made him a highly respected and admired naval officer - signs on as the executive officer of the Patna, a rusty tub manned by a third-rate crew overseen by a barbarous captain, that is transporting a group of Moslem pilgrims to Mecca. During a severe storm that causes the unseaworthy ship to founder, Jim abandons ship with the rest of the white crew without even lowering the other lifeboat for the passengers. The fleeing crew are prepared to swear they saw the Patna sink with all its passengers; however, in what Jim believes is a cosmic joke upon himself, it is revealed when they get into port on their lifeboat that the Patma did not sink but had been salvaged by a French vessel...

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