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Page # 649

jb12| Moonraker
Director: Lewis Gilbert
Genre: Action & Adventure

Running Time:
Aspect Ratio:  2.35:1 (NTSC )
Studio:  DVD Region:  1
DVD Release:  Oct 1979 Discs:  (Cloud) []
Reviews:  The first 007 movie I ever saw in the theater (though I saw a few on TV).

I wish you would visit the documentaries every once in a while, they are informative when watching the movie! For instance, only for one special effect, they would pass the film 46 times. Think about it. Everything has to be right on the money, even the film must not receive scratches each time they pass the film through for an effect, then another and another time, each one with something new YET all for 5 seconds of screen time! That's the reason it was nominated for an Oscar, though it didn't win.

~ kevin

MOONRAKER is okay and has a couple of good moments.The locations are beautiful ;007 travels to California,Venice,Brazil and Outer Space!Unfortunatly,this eleventh entry in the Bond series remains underrated and was never taken to heart by most fans.A plot that was definetly inspired by Star Wars and actors who do not seem to take their roles seriously may have something to do with it. Dr Holly Goodhead(Lois Chiles) is pretty but never had a status as a memorable Bond girl. Hugo Drax(Michael Longsdale) is not a classic example of a head villain.However,Jaws(Richard Kiel) adds flavor to this movie.Despite mixed reviews, MOONRAKER was one of the most grossing James Bond films of all time.I enjoy this movie once in a while,and I find it superior to the two first Roger Moore films(LIVE AND LET DIE and THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN) but inferior to FOR YOUR EYES ONLY, THE SPY WHO LOVED ME,and A VIEW TO A KILL.The theme song by Shirley Bassey is not bad.Worth a look, but dont have too many high expectations..........

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