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jb07| On Her Majesty's Secret Service
Director: Peter R. Hunt
Genre: Action & Adventure

Running Time:
Aspect Ratio:  2.35:1 (NTSC )
Studio:  DVD Region:  1
DVD Release:  Oct 1969 Discs:  (Cloud) []
Reviews:  Probably the most accurate film from Ian Flemings book of the same name, even to the point of M's house having a small cannon from an old ship, in his front yard! And do I like the film? Absolutely. Yet being so accurate, do you ever think of what to do if you were a member of MI6, or the CIA?

Would you join up? Let's see now, Scripturally is there any precedent for being a spy? What about the two "spies" that Joshua sent into Jericho? Well that settles whether you will join up, if they would have you, that is! The Fleming books, seeing that Fleming was a member of the OSS, which later -- I believe -- was turned into MI6, goes into detail about Bonds past (well, somewhat since Fleming was piecemeal through the 15 novels and novelettes that he wrote of 007), that he was an orphan, educated, a member of the Navy, etc. Plus he was good-looking, so much so that he melted the hearts of numerous women!

Would you, like James Bond, do as he did, being yourself a Christian, death around every door, your instincts sharpened so that you had the 00 status, meaning you could kill and your government says it is okay?

What would you do when relaxing the rare moments the 007 did? Drink alcohol, as 007 certainly did, but never to the point to misdirect his aim?

What about the girls, for there were many? Is there anything in Scripture, any one well-known person that stands out to you that he had his way with women? Scripture gives ample evidence that spies had their daring do, if you know what I mean!

True, we should all strive to fight temptation, to set it as far behind us as possible, but we ll, to you degree or another fail at that. We are not perfect yet, you know!

Anyhow, this film strives to be accurate according to the book. There are no gadgets. The Bond-girl at the end of the story dies. And you sit there glued to the film, not taking your eyes off of the reviting tale that is being told to get, the audience.

~ kevin

Many years ago, long before James Bond became the high-tech hero of the movie set, there were a set of fascinating books written by a gentleman named Ian Fleming. These books were about a superior British Intelligence agent, code name 007. With due regard to Sean Connery and the equally effective Timothy Dalton, George Lazenby, the star of On Her Majesty's Secret Service, is by far the closest of the Bond actors to the character of the books. There is nothing charming or even particularly likeable about the James Bond of print. He is a totally non-descript character who can easily disappear into any crowd; a cold-blooded killer who will accomplish his mission regardless of the cost. Connery came close in Dr No, Tim Dalton even closer in License to Kill but both are too physically attractive to accurately depict 007. In these regards, Lazenby excels in his protrayal of Bond.
This story is a gripping, emotional tale of an agent committing the ultimate sin, getting involved with another individual involved in a mission. All of the normal Bond components are present; gadgetry, high-speed chases, lots of explosions and lots of pretty girls. This one goes one step farther, giving us a truly malevolent villain (played brilliantly by Telly Savalas)and Bond's only true romantic interest (played equally brilliantly by Diana Rigg).
The action is non-stop, the locations are beautiful, the soundtrack one of the best. The climax is one of the most gut-wrenching ever placed on film.
On Her Majesty's Secret Service has often been placed at the very bottom of the long list of James Bond vehicles. It doesn't belong there. This is an outstanding film with a truly outstanding cast. Give it a try. You won't be disappointed.

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