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Page # 586

The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Director: William Dieterle
Screenplay: Sonya Levien, Victor Hugo, Bruno Frank
Producer: Pandro S. Berman
Cast: Charles Laughton, Cedric Hardwicke, Thomas Mitchell, Maureen O'Hara, Edmond O'Brien
Genre: Drama

Running Time: 116
Aspect Ratio:  1.33:1 (NTSC Academy Ratio)
Sound: Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono
Subtitles: English, Spanish, French
Features: Black and White
Behind-the-Scenes Documentary
Studio:  RKO Radio Pictures DVD Region:  0 Unrated
DVD Release:  Jan 1998 Discs:  1 (Cloud) []
Reviews:  I once read Hugos “Hunchback” and throughly enjoyed it. The ending was not the same, but this is the best rendition ever, including the silent Lon Chaney film (he was very good at make up in the silent films, turning in his best performance as “The Phantom of the Opera”).

As far as the quality of the Blu-ray, superiour to any other film save “North by Northwest.” I could feel that I could reach thru the screen snd touch the actors, and their eyes so vibrant.

Did you know that Esmeralda is still living as of June 2015? Maureen O'Hara was born in 1920 and this is her 4th film (one previous is directed by Alfred Hitchcock). Thus she is 94 years old, outliving every other member of the crew on Hunchback.

~ kevin

King Louis XI is a wise and old king and Frollo is the Chief Justice. Frollo gazes on the gypsy girl, Esmeralda, in the church during Fool's Day and sends Quasimoto to catch her. Quasimoto, with the girl, is captured by Phoebus, Captain of the Guards, who frees the girl. The courts sentence Quasimoto to be flogged, and the only one who will give him water while he is tied in the square is Esmeralda. Later, at a party of nobles, Esmeralda again meets both Frollo, who is bewitched by her, and Phoebus. When Phoebus is stabbed to death, Esmeralda is accused of the murder, convicted by the court and sentenced to hang. Clopin, King of the Beggars, Gringoire the Husband of Esmeralda, and Quasimoto, the bellringer, all try different ways to save her from the gallows.

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