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00005| They Shall Not Grow Old
Director: Peter Jackson

Running Time: 99
Aspect Ratio:  1.85:1 (NTSC )
Studio:  Warner Bros. Pictures DVD Region:  1
DVD Release:  Discs:  1 (Cloud) []
Reviews:  I purchased this film yesterday (April 9, 2019). Today I have watched it. I have, for so long, been acquainted with dramas of war from the silent years through the modern day, being keenly interested it World War 2. But when I read on the web that Peter Jackson (director of Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, King Kong) was preparing a documentary on World War 1, plus Mr. Jackson has colorized the film -- remember, back in the days of 1914 thru 1918, there was no color film available -- I thought I should get that film and, hopefully, get a real feel for those soldiers who had gone through it. What did I think of that film?


Peter Jackson has shown everything from the very first days of recruitment, the horrors of war, and when it ended. True, he didn't show everything, such as the airplanes, tanks, the girls working on the armament or nurses, etc. He just focused on the trenches, the vastly, muddy and terrifying holes in the ground, from which you get up and trudge toward the enemy -- and oh, the enemy was just as demoralized.

If you get this film, watch the 20 minute documentary, where Mr. Jackson takes you through the making of that film. He tells you more than the film, believe it or not.
Any war is ghastly, and should not exist, but it does. I remember, when I was younger, ready to fight for my Nation (but certain things were wrong with my body that the military, any one of them, would not allow me joining) much like the recruits in this film. But at the age of 61 now, in recent years I see war as horrible, as those who came out of that war, which is presented in a very real way by the director Jackson.

Purchase this film (I got it digitally, but you can purchase it on DVD or Blu-ray) if you are historically minded as, I believe, I am.

Click on Title for International Movie Database link, click on Cover for Amazon link!

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