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Comments: In my opinion, this is a Christian film. 4 of 5 of the crew are Christians come to the end of the film. Shia LaBeouf you get right off (besides, the crew named him "Bible!"). Another one claimed to be baptized, and those that read the Scriptures know about baptism, that you are beginning your Christian faith, or so it should be. The Spanish guy, a little later on, holds up a cross. Brad Pitt showed he was a Christian near the end of the film.

Everyone has their own experience with Christianity, even those that are Episcopalians, Baptist, Presbyterians and yes, even Roman Catholic. That is why we live in a land that was started by Christians, even writing verses on the walls of D.C. and elsewhere. But we need to focus on the Word of God, which is what Bible and Wardaddy did. Memorization of the Word tells me a whole lot!

Now it should be noted has its share of foul language and carnage and butchery. Yet it should be known this is the way it was and is until Christ's Kingdom has its sway over the whole earth. Focus on what the story is, not get nit-picky over minor stuff, like language.

"Fury" is a film I want everyone to see. Make it part of them for we Christians are in a fight right now, battling the forces of Satan, losing some battles, but winning the war as can be seen by the world and its acceptance of Christianity (Muslims and Buddist are two primary examples that readily come to mind).

Director: David Ayer
Screenplay: David Ayer
Cast: Brad Pitt, Shia LaBeouf, Logan Lerman, Michael Peña

Running Time: 134
Aspect Ratio:  2.40:1 (NTSC Widescreen)
Subtitles: Spanish
Studio:  Sony Pictures Home Entertainment DVD Region:  1 R
DVD Release:  Jan 2015 Discs:  1 (Cloud) []

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