DVDs in Collection: 2,332
Page # 343

Did You Hear About the Morgans?
Director: Marc Lawrence
Screenplay: Marc Lawrence
Producer: Ryan Kavanaugh, Liz Glotzer, Martin Shafer, Anthony Katagas
Cast: Sarah Jessica Parker, Hugh Grant
Genre: Action & Adventure

Running Time: 103
Aspect Ratio:  2.35:1 (NTSC Anamorphic Widescreen)
Sound: AC-3
Subtitles: English, French
Studio:  Sony Pictures DVD Region:  1 PG-13
DVD Release:  Mar 2010 Discs:  1 (Blu-ray) []
Reviews:  Meryl and Paul Morgan have separated since his infidelity. He's a Manhattan lawyer, seeking forgiveness. She's moved on, focusing on real estate sales. As he walks her to an appointment one evening, pleading his case, they witness a murder; the murderer sees them. The FBI wants them in witness protection until the killer is caught. He's already hunting them. The FBI sends them to Ray, Wyoming, a tiny ranch town, where they stay with the aging sheriff and his gun-toting wife (who's his deputy). Meryl and Paul must sort out their relationship while their New York ways bump up against those of the West. Meantime, Meryl knows two things that Paul doesn't.

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