DVDs in Collection: 2,332
Page # 294

The Court-Martial Of Billy Mitchell
Verenigde Staten 1955
Director: Otto Preminger
Screenplay: Milton Sperling, Emmet Lavery
Producer: Milton Sperling
Cast: Gary Cooper, Charles Bickford, Ralph Bellamy, Rod Steiger, Elizabeth Montgomery
Genre: Drama, War, Biography

Running Time: 100
Aspect Ratio:  2.55:1 (NTSC )
Sound: Mono
Studio:  United States Pictures DVD Region:  1 NR
DVD Release:  Jan 1998 Discs:  1 (Blu-ray) []
Reviews:  The court-marshal that spurred the military to form the Air Force and all the Army and Navy services to see that the air force are where it is at, no longer the battleships, no longer the infantry, tho they are of great service to this Nation of ours. Billy Mitchell testified that Hawaii, the military base of Pearl Harbor, was in pure danger because someone would get the idea that it might be possible to almost wipe-out Pearl Harbor by an air force. December 7, 1941 proved Mitchell was right!

My dad is retired from the Air Force and we are certainly proud that he did.

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