DVDs in Collection: 2,332
Page # 251

Captain Sindbad
Director: Byron Haskin
Cast: Guy Williams, Pedro Armendariz, Heidi Bruhl
Genre: Tweens

Running Time: 85
Aspect Ratio:  1.85:1 (NTSC Widescreen)
Studio:  Warner Bros. DVD Region:  0 Unrated
DVD Release:  Jun 2009 Discs:  (Cloud) []
Reviews:  "Captain Sindbad" is a lighthearted fantasy adventure from 1963, made five years after the better-known "The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad", which was the first Sinbad feature using the classic stop-motion animation effects of Ray Harryhausen. The effects for "Captain Sindbad" aren't anywhere near that level--whether it's an elongated arm snaking around the palace or Sindbad's showdown battle against a fearsome invisible (!) beast--but it's a fun ride anyway, punctuated by dance interludes and a score heavily influenced by Borodin. Guy Williams ("Zorro", "Lost in Space") plays the title character, sailing the high seas while El Kerim (Pedro Armendariz) plots against him, including stealing his betrothed, the princess Jayna (Heidi Bruhl). The wizard Golgo (Abraham Sofaer) transforms her into a bird so she can warn Sindbad, and he returns to meet the foe and hopefully organize the people of Baristad against the wrongdoers. "--David Horiuchi"

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