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Page # 2260

zz37| The Specialist
Director: Luis Llosa
Screenplay: Alexandra Seros, John Shirley
Producer: Jerry Weintraub
Cast: Sylvester Stallone, Sharon Stone, James Woods, Rod Steiger, Eric Roberts
Genre: Thriller

Running Time: 110
Aspect Ratio:  1.85:1 (NTSC )
Sound: Dolby Digital 5.1
Subtitles: English, Spanish, French
Studio:  Warner Studios DVD Region:  1 R
DVD Release:  Feb 1998 Discs:  1 (Blu-ray) []
Reviews:  MY REVIEW
Review below says it well. The only aspect to this film is the score by John Barry (he scored most of the 007 films, Dances With Wolves, etc).

Just awful enough to qualify as someone's guilty pleasure, this convoluted thriller was supposed to cash in on the supposedly sexy teaming of Sylvester Stallone and Sharon Stone (then hot from her ample exposure in Basic Instinct), but their naked groping in a shower provides one of the film's unintentionally funny highlights. Ray Quick (Stallone) is a former CIA bomb expert whose former colleague (James Woods) is now in cahoots with a Miami drug cartel led by kingpin Joe Leon (Rod Steiger), who chews the scenery while his son Tomas (Eric Roberts) proceeds with a greedy hidden agenda. May Munro (Stone) hires Quick to kill off Roberts. The Specialist, featuring lots of explosions and redeemed by a dandy role for James Woods, is best suited for ardent Stallone and Stone fans. --Jeff Shannon

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