DVDs in Collection: 2,332
Page # 2242

zz26c| Battle Hymn
Director: Douglas Sirk
Screenplay: Charles Grayson, Vincent B. Evans
Cast: Rock Hudson, Anna Kashfi, Dan Duryea, Don DeFore, Martha Hyer
Genre: Drama, Biography

Running Time: 108
Aspect Ratio:  2.35:1 (NTSC SD)
Sound: Mono
Studio:  Universal International Pictures (UI) DVD Region:  1
DVD Release:  Jun 2008 Discs:  1 (DVD) []
Reviews:  Sad that this film isn’t as good in the direction and screenplay as some of the others from the same film-era.

Sure, Rock Hudson was a sodomite, but we look beyond that to the role he had to play. Tyrone Power, Charles Laughton, etc were sodomites too, but Tom Cruise and John Travolta are screwed up in their thinking and each of them is due for an eternal burning if they don’t repent.

~ kevin

Dean Hess, who entered the ministry to atone for bombing a German orphanage, decides he's a failure at preaching. Rejoined to train pilots early in the Korean War, he finds Korean orphans raiding the airbase garbage. With a pretty Korean teacher, he sets up an orphanage for them and others. But he finds that to protect his charges, he has to kill.

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