DVDs in Collection: 2,331
Page # 2214

zz11b| The Shootist
Director: Don Siegel
Screenplay: Scott Hale
Producer: M.J. Frankovich
Cast: John Wayne, Lauren Bacall, Ron Howard, James Stewart, Richard Boone, Hugh O'Brian, Bill McKinney, Harry Morgan, John Carradine, Sheree North
Genre: Drama

Running Time: 100
Aspect Ratio:  1.85:1 (NTSC )
Sound: Dolby Digital 5.1
Subtitles: English
Features: Include 5 Discs:
-Exclusive cast and crew interviews
<B>The Sons of Katie Elder</B>
<B>El Dorado</B>
Studio:  Paramount DVD Region:  1 PG
DVD Release:  Jul 2001 Discs:  (Cloud) [100]
Reviews:  J.B. Books, a 60ish gunfighter, finds that he has stomach cancer and two months to live. He takes a room with Bond Rogers and her son, Gillom to wait until death comes. Of course, his very presence starts off events in the town. The Marshal comes, prepared to die in a shootout, Gillom tries to idolize him, Bond first is disgusted and then pitties him. Then, realizing that he will die in great pain, he comes up with an idea to go out with a bang.

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