DVDs in Collection: 2,332
Page # 22

00004| "American Experience" The Pilgrims
Director: Ric Burns
Screenplay: Ric Burns
Producer: Susan Bellows, Steven Bennett, Jeff Bieber, Chris Bongirne, Ric Burns, Dalton Delan, Robin Espinola, Meghan Horvath, Leigh Howell, Molly Jacobs, Bonnie Lafave, Tony Lazzerini, Anthony Matt, Susan Mottau, Katie O'Rourke, Lauren Prestileo, Mark Samels, Vivienne Steele, Susan Temple
Cast: Artemus Cragg, Calypso Cragg, Julian Elfer, Michael Elwyn, Jos Brown Gaier
Genre: Documentary, Biography, History

Running Time: 129
Aspect Ratio:  16:9 HD (NTSC )
Sound: Stereo
Studio:  DVD Region:  1 TV-PG
DVD Release:  Discs:  (Cloud) []
Reviews:  Recounts the founding (1620) and early years of the Plymouth Colony in the 17th century. Includes the real story of the "First Thanksgiving".

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