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Page # 1897

zjpbl7| Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story
Director: Rob Cohen
Cast: Aki Aleong, Eric Bruskotter, John Cheung, Chao Li Chi, Sam Hau
Genre: Action & Adventure

Running Time: 120
Aspect Ratio:  2.35:1 (NTSC Letterbox)
Sound: Dolby Digital 2.0 Surround
Subtitles: English, Spanish
Studio:  Universal Studios DVD Region:  1 PG-13
DVD Release:  Jul 1998 Discs:  1 (Cloud) [$9.99]
Reviews:  This enjoyable and touching biography of martial-arts film star Bruce Lee stars Jason Scott Lee (no relation), an actor with a lively face and natural intensity, who makes every moment of this film compelling. Directed by Rob Cohen, "Dragon" traces Bruce Lee's slow rise over myriad obstacles--most of them race-based--to become an international superstar in films. Lee's origins are oddly set in San Francisco instead of his real home in Seattle, but then again there is plenty of artistic license going on as Cohen explores the actor's psyche through some powerful fantasy sequences. Lauren Holly is good as Lee's wife, Linda (whose book about her late husband inspired this movie). A scene involving Bruce's rescue of son Brandon (who died in a filmmaking accident in 1993) from a murderous spirit is plain spooky. "--Tom Keogh"

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