DVDs in Collection: 2,332
Page # 1740

zcnd| The Shaggy Dog
Director: Charles Barton
Screenplay: Lillie Hayward
Producer: Bill Walsh
Cast: Fred MacMurray, Jean Hagen, Tommy Kirk, Annette Funicello, Tim Considine
Genre: Family

Running Time: 104
Aspect Ratio:  1.33:1 (NTSC )
Sound: Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono
Subtitles: Spanish, French
Studio:  Walt Disney Home Entertainment DVD Region:  1 G
DVD Release:  Mar 2006 Discs:  1 (Cloud) [$14.99]
Reviews:  Through an ancient spell, a boy changes into a sheepdog and back again. It seems to happen at inopportune times and the spell can only be broken by an act of bravery....

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