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Page # 1709

zcnd| Lady and the Tramp
Director: Clyde Geronimi, Hamilton Luske, Wilfred Jackson
Screenplay: Louis Pollock
Cast: Barbara Luddy, Larry Roberts, Peggy Lee, Bill Thompson, Bill Baucom
Genre: Action & Adventure

Running Time: 76
Aspect Ratio:  2.55:1 (NTSC )
Sound: Dolby Digital 5.1
Subtitles: English
Features: Animated, Special Edition
Studio:  Walt Disney Home Entertainment DVD Region:  1 G
DVD Release:  Feb 2006 Discs:  2 (Cloud) [$29.99]
Reviews:  It's still one of the sweetest kisses onscreen, up there with Bergman and Grant, Bogey and Bacall: the moment when pampered purebred Lady and streetwise mongrel Tramp, sharing a moonlit plate of spaghetti in an alley behind an Italian café, unknowingly slurp the same strand, and suddenly find their mouths meeting in surprise and tenderness. Ah, puppy love. "Lady and the Tramp" is a delight of animation and surprisingly deep character development, given that the stars are all dogs. Lady, an adorable Cocker Spaniel, feels neglected when her owners become distracted by the pending birth of a baby. But the last straw is clueless Aunt Sarah's appearance with her conniving Siamese cats (among Disney's most creatively evil villains), who wreak havoc on Lady's blissful home life. Soon Lady is off on an adventure in the streets, where the savvy Tramp takes her under his paw. The lessons of friendship and loyalty, of integrity--not to mention trusting in the kindness of strangers--ring true to delighted children and adults alike. And unlike many Disney films, there's no real violence, only challenges that smart dogs (including a tough-talking vamp named Peg, voiced sublimely by Peggy Lee, who also wrote the songs), banding together, can tackle. The animation is terrific; the scene where we first meet Tramp shows him rinsing off under a pipe, and his subsequent shaking-off of the water follows the detailed rippling up and down his back that any dog lover will recognize. And is there any song more romantic than "Bella Notte"? Bellissima! "--A.T. Hurley"

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