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zch|a A Christmas Carol
Cast: Alastair Sim, Jack Warner, Kathleen Harrison, Mervyn Johns, Hermione Baddeley
Genre: Art House & International

Running Time: 86
Aspect Ratio:  1.33:1 (NTSC )
Features: Black and White
Studio:  VCI Entertainment DVD Region:  1 NR
DVD Release:  Oct 2007 Discs:  2 (DVD) [$19.99]
Reviews:  This is the desert-island choice of the many versions of "A Christmas Carol", with a magnificent, full-bodied portrayal of Ebenezer Scrooge by Alastair Sim that leaves everyone else in the dust. Lean and direct, this film's version of the story wastes no time trying to impress viewers with the magical nature of the spirits' visitations. Director Brian Desmond Hurst keeps the focus on Scrooge's life story, beautifully simplifying and underscoring the theme of lost women with a haunting musical refrain from the folk song "Barbara Allen." Sim's commitment to the role is at times astonishing; his Scrooge's Christmas-morning ecstasy is a marvel of giddy technique. Watch for Patrick Macnee (Steed in "The Avengers") as the young Jacob Marley--the actor made his screen debut in this 1951 production. "--Tom Keogh"
On the DVD
This ultimate collectors' edition is crammed with special features, on both discs.
Amazon exclusive video:
George Cole, who played the
young Ebenezer Scrooge, reflects.Watch here
Find out what’s new on
this restored version of "A Christmas Carol". Watch here
Never-before-seen U.S. and
U.K. trailers. Watch here Film (and Charles Dickens) fans won't want to miss a single screen. The audio commentary by Marcus Hearn and George Cole adds depth and perspective to Sim's amazing performance, and the groundbreaking special effects for the time. Cole also gives a homey remembrance of working with Sim during World War II and living in the English countryside to avoid the Blitz.
One of the most compelling extras is a short bio of George Mintner, the film's executive producer who would go on to found his own successful distribution company, Renown Pictures. An unlikely film mogul, the British Mintner was shy and bookish, but managed to build a reputable mini-studio in the '50s, out of the Hollywood limelight. He produced mostly B-movies, though after "A Christmas Carol" (originally titled "Scrooge"), he produced another Dickens adaptation, "The Pickwick Papers". There's a great mini-bio of Dickens, who grew up in the poverty that later fascinated him in his writings. Other extras include the colorized version (what were people thinking back in the '80s?), cast bios, original trailers, and a features that more film companies might want to consider, an optional narration for the blind. Nothing is left out for film fans--God bless us, every one.--"A.T. Hurley"
Beyond "A Christmas Carol"
1938 version starring Reginald Owen
1984 version starring George C. Scott
1999 version starring Patrick Stewart
Stills from "A Christmas Carol" "

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