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zcbm18| Doctor Strange
Director: Scott Derrickson
Screenplay: Jon Spaihts, Scott Derrickson
Producer: Marvel Studios
Cast: Benedict Cumberbatch, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Rachel McAdams, Tilda Swinton

Running Time: 1h 55min
Aspect Ratio:  2.35:1 ( )
Studio:  Disney DVD Region:  PG-13
DVD Release:  Nov 2016 Discs:  (Blu-ray) []
Reviews:  Let me start off by saying that you are either for God, or against God, no neutral ground. “For God” means that you are for God’s Word, the Scriptures contained in the Old and New Testaments.

Secondly the Scriptures say that God’s ways are not like our ways. God manages to create a world in only 7 days. God stops time (Joshua 10: 1-15). God has witches who summon spirits (1 Samuel 28: 3-25). God allows men to enter Heaven without dying (2 Kings 2: 11). God has His Miracles throughout the Bible.

The world of Doctor Strange is somewhat the 1st and 2nd paragraph of this post. It is mind-blowing, literally with all the CGI that they use and use well.

Is it Faith that heals you from your body and environment, or matter that a surgeon, be that of your body or, say politics or some work-related happening? We being humans have torn the two, belief or cells (be they your cells, or a tree cells). I am a Christian, believing in the Bible, and I choose to believe in both, but with Faith being paramount. We are spirit and by birth on this earth matter. Yet most Christians don't think of us as spirits. Some of us think the way the world does, physical.

A kaleidoscope of action.

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