DVDs in Collection: 2,332
Page # 1339

Director: Kurt Wimmer
Cast: Milla Jovovich, Cameron Bright, Nick Chinlund, Sebastien Andrieu, Ida Martin
Genre: Action & Adventure

Running Time: 94
Aspect Ratio:  1.85:1 (NTSC Widescreen)
Sound: AC-3
Subtitles: English, French
Studio:  Sony Pictures DVD Region:  99 Unrated
DVD Release:  Jun 2006 Discs:  1 (DVD) [$14.94]
Reviews:  As an overdose of eye candy, "Ultraviolet" can be marginally recommended as the second-half of a double-feature with "Aeon Flux". Both films are disposable adolescent fantasies featuring a butt-kicking babe (in this case, the svelte and sexy Milla Jovovich) in a dystopian future, and both specialize in the kind of barely-coherent, video-game storytelling that's constantly overwhelmed by an over-abundance of low-budget CGI. Director Kurt Wimmer fared much better with his earlier film "Equilibrium", but he's trying for a lively comic-book vibe here (beginning with "Hulk"-like opening credits) with a digitally enhanced, "Tron"-like color palette. It largely suits this late-21st century story of a "blood war" between the ultra-violent Violet (Jovovich), member of a vampire-like group of resistance fighters infected with a man-made virus called the Hemophage, and the human Vice Cardinal Daxus (Nick Chinlund), who's determined to eliminate Violet's kind once and for all. Wimmer takes all of this way too seriously, crafting a plot involving Violet's rescue of a human clone boy (Cameron Bright) that's intended as an homage to John Cassevetes' 1980 drama "Gloria", but Wimmer's good intentions are mostly lost in a repetitive series of chaotically choreographed fight scenes, mostly involving the tight-bodied Jovovich wiping out dozens of armor-clad enemies. It's all too numbingly hectic to qualify as a satisfying movie, but sci-fi buffs should give it a look anyway, if only to see how locations in Shanghai and Hong Kong contribute to the film's futuristic design."--Jeff Shannon"

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