DVDs in Collection: 2,332
Page # 1205

Steve Jobs
USA, UK 2015
Director: Danny Boyle
Screenplay: Aaron Sorkin, Walter Isaacson
Producer: Bernard Bellew, Danny Boyle, Eli Bush, Guymon Casady, Christian Colson, Mark Gordon, Lauren Lohman, Scott Rudin, Jason Sack, Bryan Zuriff
Cast: Michael Fassbender, Kate Winslet, Seth Rogen, Jeff Daniels, Michael Stuhlbarg
Genre: Biography, Drama

Running Time: 122
Aspect Ratio:  2.35:1 (NTSC 1080p)
Sound: Dolby Digital
Subtitles: English, Arabic, Danish, Finnish, German, Hindi, Icelandic, Norwegian, Portuguese, Swedish, Turkish
Studio:  Universal Pictures DVD Region:  1 R
DVD Release:  Oct 2015 Discs:  1 (Cloud) []
Reviews:  His passion and ingenuity have been the driving force behind the digital age. However his drive to revolutionize technology was sacrificial. Ultimately it affected his family life and possibly his health. In this revealing film we explore the trials and triumphs of a modern day genius, the late CEO of Apple inc. Steven Paul Jobs.

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