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Star Trek 13: Beyond
Comments: Kevin (me) said this…

I just finished “Star Trek Beyond.” I thot it was rather good, earning 4 stars for me. It hailed back the old TV series, but of course with mega-updates!

But one think sticks in my crawl and that is Sulu. Now I know that George Takei is a sodomite, yet the TV series never broke down his character other than he was a heterosexual, not did the films that stared him.

But in Star Trek Beyond they do.

Think about it for a second. Sulu now is in a same-sex marriage. Never can they reproduce. Like two electrical plugs, it is just not able to pass electricity. It must have an outlet. Thus this sodomite marriage is doomed because after they die, no one is replacing them.

But Sulu and his mate adopt a little girl. I’m not meaning an alien little girl, but a human little girl. This is leeching off heterosexual couples. This is repugnant. Plus two “fathers” raising a girl is a hard task. What about when this little girl reaches the age of puberty? What about her period every month? Fathers have not the wherewithal to teach her how to put in a tampon. Only a mother can do that, and indentify with her when her experiences her mood-swings. Male and female have different brains, so it helps the child to experience both throughout the day. Not so with male/male or female/female, only with male/female.

For those two reasons, why is Sulu allowed allowed to be helmsman for the Enterprise, since his personal life says that sodomy is death. No offspring to carry on his legacy.
Sad because Sulu is a good character.

At least the movie was good!
Director: Justin Lin
Screenplay: Simon Pegg, Doug Jung
Cast: Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Karl Urban
Genre: Action & Adventure

Running Time: 2 hours, 2 minutes
Aspect Ratio:  2.35:1 ( )
Studio:  Paramount Pictures, Skydance Productions, Alibaba Pictures Group DVD Region:  PG-13
DVD Release:  Discs:  (Blu-ray) []

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