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The Shining
United States 1980
Director: Stanley Kubrick
Screenplay: Stanley Kubrick, Stephen King
Producer: Jan Harlan, Robert Fryer, Mary Lea Johnson, Martin Richards
Cast: Jack Nicholson, Shelley Duvall, Danny Lloyd, Scatman Crothers, Barry Nelson
Genre: Horror, Demons

Running Time: 143
Aspect Ratio:  1.85:1 (NTSC Pan & Scan)
Sound: Dolby
Subtitles: English, Spanish, French
Features: Trailer
Making of The Shining (with optional audio commentary by Vivina Kubrick)
Studio:  Warner Home Video DVD Region:  1 PG
DVD Release:  Jun 2001 Discs:  1 (Cloud) []
Reviews:  A man, his son and wife become the winter caretakers of an isolated hotel where Danny, the son, sees disturbing visions of the hotel's past using a telepathic gift known as "The Shining". The father, Jack Torrance, is underway in a writing project when he slowly slips into insanity as a result of cabin fever and former guests of the hotel's ghosts. After being convinced by a waiter's ghost to "correct" the family, Jack goes completely insane. The only thing that can save Danny and his mother is "The Shining".

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