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The Running Man
Director: Paul Michael Glaser
Screenplay: Stephen King, Steven E. de Souza
Producer: George Linder, Keith Barish, Rob Cohen, Tim Zinnemann
Cast: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Maria Conchita Alonso, Yaphet Kotto, Jim Brown, Jesse Ventura
Genre: Action & Adventure

Running Time: 101
Aspect Ratio:  1.85:1 (NTSC Widescreen)
Sound: Dolby
Features: Special Edition
Studio:  Republic Pictures DVD Region:  1 R
DVD Release:  Mar 2004 Discs:  (Cloud) []
Reviews:  The Running Man (1987) ****

Since 1986 I have been a resident of Tacoma. Just across Puget Sound I saw this in the theatre in Gig Harbor. I really liked it. Hey, it is enough to make me want to get a DVD of it!

Arnold Schwarzenegger, or Arnie as I will call him, turned in some mighty good performances. Oh sure, he had one way to act, sort of, but he was good else the audiences wouldn't go to see him in the theatre. He grew up with his acting though. Action or comedy he was the American success story, and it landed him for 2 terms as Governor of California!

Richard Dawson was the a star of "Hogan's Heroes" in the '60s, and the TV game show host in "Family Feud." He plays Killian, another game show host but with horrific consequences for the players! He was fantastic. When Ben Richards -- Arnie --, seated in sort of a rocket sled to begin his arduous journey, he said "I'll be back." Killian looked upset but came back with "only in a rerun!" Kudos to de Souza, the screenplay author and Stephen King who was the writer of the book on which this tale is told.

Like "The Hunger Games" (2012), it told a much better tale, believe me! Hey, "The Running Man" had Mr. King as it's author, so take that you Hunger Games fans!

"The Running Man" is set in the year 2017. That's only 4 years away! Could we be headed for that politically, that people could be dummed down to the point of letting everything they've been told to be the gospel truth, coming as it does thru the internet, novels, TV and movies?

Rush in Arnie and tell them the proper and truthful way before it is too late! If not, and we let it slide to where we are criminals just because we think differently, someone someday will come along and rally the troops and bolster us Christians to be ready to take charge when all else is lost for those whom we fight. It may take awhile, but God has it set in stone in the Scriptures. We will be victorious before the Second Coming!

~ kevin scott slack

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