DVDs in Collection: 2,332
Page # 1059

Regarding Henry
Director: Mike Nichols
Screenplay: J.J. Abrams
Producer: Scott Rudin, Mike Nichols, Robert Greenhut, J.J. Abrams, Susan MacNair
Cast: Harrison Ford, Annette Bening, Michael Haley, Stanley Swerdlow, Julie Follansbhee
Genre: Drama

Running Time: 108
Aspect Ratio:  1.85:1 (PAL Anamorphic Widescreen)
Sound: Dolby
Subtitles: English
Features: Anamorphic/ Closed-captioned/ Color/ Dolby/ DVD-Video/ Subtitled/ Widescreen/ NTSC/ 1.85:1
Studio:  Paramount Pictures DVD Region:  4 PG-13
DVD Release:  Sep 2003 Discs:  1 (Cloud) []
Reviews:  Henry is a lawyer who survives a shooting only to find he cannot remember anything. If that weren't enough, Henry also has to recover his speech and mobility, in a life he no longer fits into. Fortunately, Henry has a loving wife and daughter to help him.

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